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30 Ezra Bible Verses

  1. Ezra 1:1 (NIV):

    “In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the Lord spoken by Jeremiah, the Lord moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and also to put it in writing:”

  2. Ezra 1:3 (NIV):

    “Any of his people among you may go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the Lord, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem, and may their God be with them.”

  3. Ezra 1:5 (NIV):

    “Then the family heads of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and Levites—everyone whose heart God had moved—prepared to go up and build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem.”

  4. Ezra 1:8 (NIV):

    “Cyrus king of Persia had them brought by Mithredath the treasurer, who counted them out to Sheshbazzar the prince of Judah.”

  5. Ezra 2:64 (NIV):

    “The whole company numbered 42,360,”

  6. Ezra 3:1 (NIV):

    “When the seventh month came and the Israelites had settled in their towns, the people assembled together as one in Jerusalem.”

  7. Ezra 3:2 (NIV):

    “Then Joshua son of Jozadak and his fellow priests and Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and his associates began to build the altar of the God of Israel to sacrifice burnt offerings on it, in accordance with what is written in the Law of Moses the man of God.”

  8. Ezra 3:10 (NIV):

    “When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, the priests in their vestments and with trumpets, and the Levites (the sons of Asaph) with cymbals, took their places to praise the Lord, as prescribed by David king of Israel.”

  9. Ezra 3:11 (NIV):

    “With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord: ‘He is good; his love toward Israel endures forever.’ And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.”

  10. Ezra 3:12 (NIV):

    “But many of the older priests and Levites and family heads, who had seen the former temple, wept aloud when they saw the foundation of this temple being laid, while many others shouted for joy.”

  11. Ezra 4:1 (NIV):

    “When the enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles were building a temple for the Lord, the God of Israel,”

  12. Ezra 4:4 (NIV):

    “Then the peoples around them set out to discourage the people of Judah and make them afraid to go on building.”

  13. Ezra 4:5 (NIV):

    “They bribed officials to work against them and frustrate their plans during the entire reign of Cyrus king of Persia and down to the reign of Darius king of Persia.”

  14. Ezra 5:1 (NIV):

    “Now Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the prophet, a descendant of Iddo, prophesied to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them.”

  15. Ezra 5:2 (NIV):

    “Then Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and Joshua son of Jozadak set to work to rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem. And the prophets of God were with them, supporting them.”

  16. Ezra 5:8 (NIV):

    “The king should know that we went to the district of Judah, to the temple of the great God. The people are building it with large stones and placing the timbers in the walls. The work is being carried on with diligence and is making rapid progress under their direction.”

  17. Ezra 5:11 (NIV):

    “We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth, and we are rebuilding the temple that was built many years ago, one that a great king of Israel built and finished.”

  18. Ezra 5:13 (NIV):

    “However, in the first year of Cyrus king of Babylon, King Cyrus issued a decree to rebuild this house of God.”

  19. Ezra 5:16 (NIV):

    “Then the work on the house of God in Jerusalem came to a standstill until the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia.”

  20. Ezra 6:3 (NIV):

    “In the first year of King Cyrus, the king issued a decree concerning the temple of God in Jerusalem: Let the temple be rebuilt as a place to present sacrifices, and let its foundations be laid. It is to be sixty cubits high and sixty cubits wide,”

  21. Ezra 6:14 (NIV):

    “So the elders of the Jews continued to build and prosper under the preaching of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah, a descendant of Iddo. They finished building the temple according to the command of the God of Israel and the decrees of Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes, kings of Persia.”

  22. Ezra 6:15 (NIV):

    “The temple was completed on the third day of the month Adar, in the sixth year of the reign of King Darius.”

  23. Ezra 6:21 (NIV):

    “So the Israelites who had returned from the exile ate it, together with all who had separated themselves from the unclean practices of their Gentile neighbors in order to seek the Lord, the God of Israel.”

  24. Ezra 7:6 (NIV):

    “This Ezra came up from Babylon. He was a teacher well versed in the Law of Moses, which the Lord, the God of Israel, had given. The king had granted him everything he asked, for the hand of the Lord his God was on him.”

  25. Ezra 7:10 (NIV):

    “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.”

  26. Ezra 7:28 (NIV):

    “and who has extended his good favor to me before the king and his advisers and all the king’s powerful officials. Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leaders from Israel to go up with me.”

  27. Ezra 8:21 (NIV):

    “There, by the Ahava Canal, I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions.”

  28. Ezra 8:31 (NIV):

    “On the twelfth day of the first month we set out from the Ahava Canal to go to Jerusalem. The hand of our God was on us, and he protected us from enemies and bandits along the way.”

  29. Ezra 9:1 (NIV):

    “After these things had been done, the leaders came to me and said, ‘The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples with their detestable practices, like those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites.”

  30. Ezra 10:12 (NIV):

    “Then the whole assembly responded with a loud voice: ‘You are right! We must do as you say.”

These verses from the book of Ezra depict various events and actions taken during the period of the Israelites’ return from exile and the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem.