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30 El Shaddai Bible Verse

  1. “When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, ‘I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless.'”Genesis 17:1 (ESV)

“When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, ‘I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless.'”

  1. “I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the Lord I did not make myself known to them.”Exodus 6:3 (ESV)

“I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the Lord I did not make myself known to them.”

  1. “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?”Jeremiah 32:27 (ESV)

“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?”

  1. “He is your praise. He is your God, who has done for you these great and terrifying things that your eyes have seen.”Deuteronomy 10:21 (ESV)

“He is your praise. He is your God, who has done for you these great and terrifying things that your eyes have seen.”

  1. “The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. And he thrust out the enemy before you and said, ‘Destroy.'”Deuteronomy 33:27 (ESV)

“The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. And he thrust out the enemy before you and said, ‘Destroy.'”

  1. “God is my strength and power, and he makes my way perfect.”2 Samuel 22:33 (ESV)

“God is my strength and power, and he makes my way perfect.”

  1. “For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe.”Deuteronomy 10:17 (ESV)

“For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe.”

  1. “And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, ‘Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations!'”Revelation 15:3 (ESV)

“And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, ‘Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations!'”

  1. “But our God is in the heavens; he does whatever he pleases.”Psalm 115:3 (ESV)

“But our God is in the heavens; he does whatever he pleases.”

  1. “For nothing will be impossible with God.”Luke 1:37 (ESV)

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”

  1. “For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all gods.”Psalm 96:4 (ESV)

“For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all gods.”

  1. “For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.”Deuteronomy 4:24 (ESV)

“For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.”

  1. “And the angel of God, who was going before the host of Israel, moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them,”Exodus 14:19 (ESV)

“And the angel of God, who was going before the host of Israel, moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them,”

  1. “For thus says the Lord of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land.”Haggai 2:6 (ESV)

“For thus says the Lord of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land.”

  1. “The Almighty—we cannot find him; he is great in power; justice and abundant righteousness he will not violate.”Job 37:23 (ESV)

“The Almighty—we cannot find him; he is great in power; justice and abundant righteousness he will not violate.”

  1. “But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation.”Jeremiah 10:10 (ESV)

“But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation.”

  1. “Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.”Jeremiah 32:17 (ESV)

“Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.”

  1. “There is none like God, O Jeshurun, who rides through the heavens to your help, through the skies in his majesty.”Deuteronomy 33:26 (ESV)

“There is none like God, O Jeshurun, who rides through the heavens to your help, through the skies in his majesty.”

  1. “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?”Exodus 15:11 (ESV)

“Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?”

  1. “And he said, ‘Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.'”Mark 14:36 (ESV)

“And he said, ‘Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.'”

  1. “O Lord God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O Lord, with your faithfulness all around you?”Psalm 89:8 (ESV)

“O Lord God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O Lord, with your faithfulness all around you?”

  1. “And I heard the angel in charge of the waters say, ‘Just are you, O Holy One, who is and who was, for you brought these judgments.'”Revelation 16:5 (ESV)

“And I heard the angel in charge of the waters say, ‘Just are you, O Holy One, who is and who was, for you brought these judgments.'”

  1. “Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.”1 Peter 4:19 (ESV)

“Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.”

  1. “The God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless.”Psalm 18:32 (ESV)

“The God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless.”

  1. “To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you!”Psalm 20:1 (ESV)

“To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you!”

  1. “Is it any pleasure to the Almighty if you are in the right, or is it gain to him if you make your ways blameless?”Job 22:3 (ESV)

“Is it any pleasure to the Almighty if you are in the right, or is it gain to him if you make your ways blameless?”

  1. “And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”2 Corinthians 6:18 (ESV)

“And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”

  1. “Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!”Psalm 24:8 (ESV)

“Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!”

  1. “For you, O Lord, are most high over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.”Psalm 97:9 (ESV)

“For you, O Lord, are most high over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.”

  1. “And one called to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!'”Isaiah 6:3 (ESV)

“And one called to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!'”